Friday, November 27, 2009

Missing Thanksgiving

     I woke up today wishing I had pictures and stories to share of yesterday's cooking and feasting.  I don't this year, and it feels a bit strange.  Higgins does a big Thanksgiving menu, and this was the first time I have worked on my favorite holiday.  Even though I did provide a Thanksgiving meal to others, it wasn't quite the same as cooking the meal from start to finish for my family and friends. 
     Nevertheless, I'm grateful.  I still spent my day with smells of juicy turkey, stuffing, gravy, and pumpkin soup, nibbling as the hours passed by.  I was surrounded by delicious desserts of pumpkin pie, chocolate pecan tarts, tapioca, and warm gingerbread cake....again lots of nibbling!  I am also lucky enough to work with people who make me laugh and smile.  And at the end of the night, when the patrons were home with full bellies, we all sat down to a Thanksgiving meal of our own.  You might think after 10 hours of working with one another, we would just want to get out of there, but the wine was flowing and the jokes were plentiful.  Indeed, we stayed around for a few more hours.  For all of this, I'm thankful.  I missed my family and our Thanksgiving traditions, but it was still a special day.
     Another thing I'm thankful for is the beautiful and unusually warm day we had here in Portland on Tuesday.  I was able to spend the afternoon wandering around Hawthorne doing a bit of holiday shopping. It was even nice enough to visit The Waffle Window at the back of the Bread and Ink Cafe and enjoy a waffle alfresco. 

     I love waffles, and this waffle was just the right size and price for an afternoon snack.  There are  plenty of sweet toppings, but I opted for a savory one- The Farm House- with spinach, onion, mushroom, roasted red pepper, and topped with lemon thyme chevre.  I could have added bacon to make it The Whole Farm.  It was tasty, and totally hit the spot on that sunny day.  Another touch I loved was the old blue floral print plate, why not still serve food on real dishes from a walk-up window?  I realize that now I'm going to have to investigate the other waffle food carts in Portland to make a fair comparison.  I think I can manage that one! 

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