Saturday, August 14, 2010

My Pietopia Pie

     I recently entered this year's Pietopia contest- a challenge to write what your life tastes like in a pie.
Contestants were asked to write their explanation in 300 words or less and submit it along with a recipe for the pie.  I loved the idea of Pietopia the moment I read about it and started writing that night.
     Pie is my dessert of choice; I like it to be present at all holidays, special events, and gatherings (this is really a topic worthy of its own entry).  Plus, exploring the emotional connections to what, how, and why we eat is how I prefer to write about food.  Perfect fun...writing about pie... a challenge I couldn't resist.
     I chose to write about a very personal family journey and much to my surprise and delight, was selected as a winner! Even better for me, was the strong, positive response from my family and close friends. I think the pie was able to give voice to something we'd all been feeling and didn't quite have words for.  I was hesitant at first to put our story on paper, but I realized afterwards how therapeutic it was for me. Creating the pie gave me a fresh perspective on a situation full of complex and confusing emotions.  Winning the contest gave me the courage to share my writing with my family.   I've even shared with coworkers and people I would have never otherwise talked to about my experience.  Hearing their response has made me realize I have a story worth communicating and connecting to others through.  We all do.  Just as Tricia hoped when she created this contest, Pietopia has the power to "open doors for understanding."


  1. YOU are the reason I do Pietopia! I'm so so glad it was a positive experience in so many ways for you--thank YOU for being a part of it :).

  2. This pie sounds awesome! Loved your story and the way your pie reflected the lives and sorrows of your brother's choices and impact it's had on your life and your family's. Congratulations! So proud of you :)

  3. Caroline, As someone who has lived through at least part of your story, I can't tell you how much I enjoyed your story!!! I cried, I laughed- it was beautiful!


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